Monday Update
Today we had a great first day of working at the worksites. This year we are at 6 work sites in Port Maria including two schools, two churches, a children's home, and a sustainable agriculture farm house. Four of these projects are painting-based. At these work sites the students spend their time painting exterior and interior walls that have needed repair for many years. This always blesses the pastors and school principals as they often lack the time, resources and finances to be able to keep their buildings beautiful. And our students always love playing with the children at the schools once they're done painting for the afternoon.
The other two projects are construction based. One of these projects is a continuation of our work from last year. This week we are finishing a cement roof for one of the most effective and growing churches in the area. Pastor Leo and a few members of his congregation enjoyed getting to know the students today as the tied rebar foundation that will hold the cement together. The other construction project is a small farm house that will sit on a plot of land owned by the same church as mentioned above. This farm land is donated to families in one acre allotments, who would otherwise have no access to growing vegetation.
Everyone is having a great time so far! They have built community really quickly. It's hard to believe that we've only been here for two days! Tomorrow we will continue our projects at these work sites!!